Tuesday, February 03, 2015

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Through the Golden Gate Bridge in Black and White

San Francisco Through the Golden Gate Bridge in Black and White

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© 2014 SFBAYIMAGES www.sfbayimages.com  Photography / Images

Black and White Photography
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Spinnakers in Black and White

The Downwind Leg of the Big Boat Series with Alcatraz and Golden Gate Bridge with Fog Bank behind.

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© 2014 SFBAYIMAGES www.sfbayimages.com  Photography / Images
Black and White Photography
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Windswept in Black and White

Windswept Cliffs above Baker Beach on the South Side of Golden Gate Bridge.

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Black and White Photography
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© 2014 SFBAYIMAGES www.sfbayimages.com  P
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Vineyard in Black and White

Vineyard in Black and White

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San Francisco at Night
Over the Golden Gate Bridge

Award winning photograph of the San Francisco Bay at Night. 

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© 2014 SFBAYIMAGES www.sfbayimages.com  Photography / Images
Black and White Photography
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Road Trip From San Francisco To Napa

Vineyards in a rain storm on the way to Napa Valley on Highway 37. 

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© 2014 SFBAYIMAGES www.sfbayimages.com  Photography / Images
Black and White Photography
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Above San Francisco 

Above AT&T Park on the San Francisco Bay with the San Francisco City Skyline behind and the Golden Gate Bridge beyond in Black and White.

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San Francisco in Black and White

Aerial San Francisco in Black and White flying over Treasure Island revealing Bay Bridges.
San Francisco Bay Images. Buy Prints:
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San Francisco in Black and White and Night. http://sfbayimages.smugmug.com/San-Francisco-Black-White-Phot/i-zdsTbZ8
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Thursday, July 17, 2014

SF-VMAP - I. B. A. Deployment Training Video

San Francisco Vessel Mutual Assistance Plan
SF-VMAP - I. B. A. Deployment Training Video

The San Francisco Bay Vessel Mutual Assistance Plan, or SF-VMAP, is a contingency plan describing actions to be taken by the United States Coast Guard Sector San Francisco, The San Francisco Marine Exchange and local Passenger Vessel Operators for evacuating passengers from a stricken vessel. SF VMAP also provides for fast response to other major marine casualties such as downed aircraft in San Francisco Bay, or other situations that have the potential for large numbers of people in the water.

The plan recognizes (and would require) the assistance of nearby underway VMAP member
vessels, and would rely on equipment spelled out in the plan, including Inflatable Buoyancy Apparatus or IBAs and a means of safely getting in and out of the inflated IBA. This video will cover the deployment and use of this equipment.

SF VMAP Members: Blue and Gold Fleet, San Francisco Bay Ferry, WETA (Water Emergency Transportation Authority), Golden Gate Ferry, The Angel Island Tiburon Ferry, Red and White Fleet, Alcatraz Cruises and Hornblower Cruises and Events.

Special Thanks:
United States Coast Guard, Sector San Francisco
United States Coast Guard., Vessel Traffic Service
Captain Forrest Fennell of the Red and White Fleet for the stunt fire.
Sal Sanchez, Sal's Inflatable Services Inc. for technical support

Water Emergency Transportation Authority
San Francisco Bay Ferry
Blue and Gold Fleet

Lecie Vincent

Vessel Crew:
Captain Chuck Elles
George Shellhorn
Nick Riley
Ron Woodruff

Director: Sandra Cannon
Marine Coordinator: Captain Burke Beardsley
Camera: Sandra Cannon, David McGuire, Austin Simkins, Tom Miller
Produced by: SFBayImages.com
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Sunday, July 13, 2014

SFBAYIMAGES.com Eclectic Demo Reel

San Francisco Bay Images Eclectic Demo Reel
Aerial, Drone, Marine, Car and other moving images.
GoPro, Cineflex, Canon 5D, Sony EX3, Panosonic and other Cameras.
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Monday, May 13, 2013

NASA: Amazing Experiments with Water in Zero Gravity

Wow. An Astronaut, a spaceship and experiments with water in Zero Gravity.  Very Cool.
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Astronaut Chris Hadfield singing David Bowies "Space Oddity" from outer space.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield singing David Bowies "Space Oddity" from outer space. Great Way to Start a Monday.
Full version from youtube.com. 

Sandra Cannon - Creative Digital Content Producer
San Francisco Bay Digital Images 
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www.sfyoutube.com - youtube channel

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maserati Yacht Arrives in San Francisco Bay Video

Yacht "Maserati" Sets New San Francisco Sailing Record N.Y. To S.F
Following the Clipper Ship Era Passage from New York to San Francisco Via Cape Horn
February 16th, 2013

The 70 Foot Yacht "Maserati" sailed into the San Francisco Bay early on February 16th, 2013.  Skippered by Giovanni Soldini, "Maserati" broke the record for a single-hulled sailing vessel making the passage from New York City to San Francisco via Cape Horn in just 47 days, 2 hours and 33 minutes. The Clipper Ship era passage is a 13,225 mile voyage,  "Maserati" beat the the Clipper Challenge Cup record by 10 days which was set by French "Aquitaine Innovations" in 1998. 

The Golden Gate Bridge is the line of demarcation for record setting passages, but this historic finish line was between Alcatraz and Pier 39.  I caught up with "Maserati" and her crew just after she passed under the bridge. In 2008, Lionel Lemonchois set the world record for a multi-hulled catamaran with the "Gitana 13" at 43 days, 3 minutes and 38 seconds. I was also on the Bay to greet "Gitana 13" which was an equally flat, glassy and windless morning. The sailing passage around Cape Horn was made famous by the clipper ship the "Flying Cloud" in 1854 with 89 days and 22 hours which was spectacular for the Gold Rush days. Previously it had taken about 200 days. It was dubbed the Route D'Or. Apparently there is no established finish line for the Challenger Cup. The Gitana 13 used the line between Alcatraz and Coit Tower, Maserati used the line between Alcatraz and Pier 39. It will never make much of a difference unless it comes down to close time for the record. Some people count the Golden Gate Bridge as the line.

Skipper Giovannii Soldini let a an international crew of 9. Most of the team had sailed together in part but never as a whole. The crew included: Guido Broggio as boat captain, Boris Herrmann as Navigator, Corrado Rossignoli as watch leader, Jainghe Teng as grinder and trimmer, Michele Sighel as media-man, American Ryan Breymaier as watch leader, Sebastien Audigane as helmsman and trimmer and Carlos Hernandez. Five languages were spoken on board. 

Ryan Breymaier, the American on board, described the best of their sailing conditions to me. "The first 3 days leaving New York. You know you pick your weather when you leave and so we were able to sail very fast downwind." he explained and then added "I think we did 1200 miles in 3 days.".

The 13,225-mile voyage is considered one of the most difficult hauls in sailing, Rounding the Horn, under sail on a non-stop passage of more than 3,000 miles passing through the latitude of 50 degrees south both east and west of Cape Horn, grants sailors eligibility to apply for membership of the exclusive International Association of Cape Horners; an organization worthy of respect whose origins lie amongst those who rounded the Horn as professional seamen serving upon the tall ships of the Clipper era. There are no exceptions to the strict joining criteria. It is the 'Mount Everest' of ocean sailing.

Giovanni Soldini said the sailing conditions where next to perfect. He also added that the sailing under the Golden Bridge was "Bellisimo".

I followed the yacht Maserati on their website as they made their passage. I was not expecting them until the 19th but I woke up on Saturday and their twitter feed said "they will be here by 9 am". Paul Dines of SFBayAdventures.com provided me with a photo-boat and captain to greet her and the crew. We barely made seeing her pass under the Golden Gate Bridge with the accompany spraying fire boat, but were with her along with a flotilla of welcome wishers as she crossed the historic line. Paul Dines captaining his schooner "Freda B" was there and offered the Maseratti and her crew some beers. I delivered them and then was invited on board by Skipper Giovannia Soldini. That is about as good as it gets for me! Nothing like being on board a boat that just went around Cape Horn full of handsome sailors. I watched them celebrate, smoke cigarettes, eat, drink and take down the sail for the first time in 47 days.

Maserati, the famous luxury car maker, sponsored the 8 million dollar yacht along with BSI, Generali, Vodaphone, Bulgari and Italian Food company called Eataly. I heard specifically about the food company while on board.
Maseratti sailed into pier 39 where she and the crew were welcomed by fans on the dock and presented with the Challenger Cup. The Italian Consul General, Mauro Battocchi was there to welcome the team. Maserratti will remain in San Francisco for repairs and special events.


Sandra Cannon - Director/Producer
San Francisco Bay Digital Images 
415.331.3804 main
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www.sfyoutube.com - youtube channel

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Giovanni Soldini & Maserati take on 'NY - SF Sailing Speed Record'

Giovanni Soldini & Maserati take on 'NY - SF Sailing Speed Record'

Video From Youtube "TVNauticalChannel"
Yacht Maserati Music Video From The Sail.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Welcome Yacht Maserati to the San Francisco Bay

70 Foot Yacht Maserati 
Sets World Record with 47 Days, 2 Hours and 33 Minutes.
For Single-Hulled Sailing Vessel
Sailing from New York to San Francisco 
on the historic Route d'Or established in 1854 
by "Flying Cloud" with 89 days and 20 hours.
So I meant to greet "Maserati" under the Golden Gate Bridge, but she arrived early!
A fireboat escorted her under the Golden Gate Bridge but shortly a flotilla of yachting aficionados, photo boats and cheering fan laden chartered vessels surrounded her as she crossed the finish line which is between Alcatraz and Coit Tower.
I was on a photo boat graciously provided by Paul Dines of SFBayAdventures.com .
Captain Giovanni Soldini invited me on board the yacht "Maserati" after crossing the finish line. Yes, that was a good day for me. 

Photography San Francisco Bay Digital Images.
All Rights Reserved. Contact for Prints and Licensing.
San Francisco Bay Images - Marine Film Production

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Yacht Maserati Crew Pictures After Breaking Record

San Francisco Bay, February 16th, 2013
Thank you to Skipper Giovanni Soldini for inviting me on board the 70 Foot Yacht Maserati after he and his 9 man international team broke the record for single-hulled sailing vessel passage from New York to San Francisco via Cape Horn. After crossing the historic finish line between Alcatraz and Coit Tower in the San Francisco Bay, the crew celebrated with beer, cheese and salami. 

Guido Broggi (boat captain)
Skipper Giovanni Soldini
Giovanni Soldini And Guido Broggi
German Boris Herrmann (navigator)
American Ryan Breymaier (pitman)
Corrado Rossignoli (watch leader)
Michele Sighel (mediaman)
Jainghe Teng (grinder - trimmer)
Michele Sighel (mediaman)
Sebastien Audigane (helmsman - trimmer)
Michele Sighel (mediaman)
Michele Sighel (mediaman)
Jainghe Teng (grinder trimmer)
Giovanni Soldini

Carlos Hernandez 

All Photography San Francisco Bay Digital Images

©2013 www.sfbayimages.com

All Rights Reserved
Contact For Prints and Licensing

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