Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Halloween San Francisco.

Sunrise over San Francisco
Skyline. Revealing an almost haunting gothic skyline with Hotel Hunington signage being silhoutted. All Rights Reserved. Click here to Buy Sunrise over San Francisco Photograpy.
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Harvest Moon Rising over Alcatraz on an October Night, giving a Halloween feeling to the Bay.

San Francisco Bay Area Digital Images, All Rights Reserved.
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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Magic Sunset over the Potatoe Patch, the infamous waters that have wreeked havoc to mariner since the San Francisco Bay was discovered, flat for a cruise past Point Bonita Lighthouse on the Five Stars Yacht. A gracious gift. Ocotber 26, 2007

San Francisco Natural Sunset Photography by Buy Fine Art Prints by Clicking Here. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lions Mane Jellies Pulse Dance in a deep cobalt blue tank at the Jellyfish as Art Exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This exhibit displays moon jellies, hat box, and many other exotic jellyfish, even some that have LCD like displays.

From SF Bay Digital Images Medition Moment Series featuring relaxing escapes spots in the San Francisco Bay Area

Captured in HD.

Camera and Editing: Sandra Cannon

Buy Jellyfish Framed Photographs
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sunset over the Pacific Ocean, to the west out beyond the Golden Gate Bridge, October 2007. The light guiding now, on Alcatraz, the oldest Lighthouse on the West Coast. Somethings never change.

Buy San Franisco Sunset, Sunrise Fullmoon and Fog Fine Art Photography Prints at Commercial Licensing of Digital Images available.
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Rolex Big Boat Series. Ok. So this is a delayed reaction and the video is a bit of an after thought, but none the less here is a small video from the Big Boat Series 2007, one of the largest annual sailing events on the San Francisco Bay. Sailors, Races, Boats and crew come from all over the world to participate in this sailing regatta. I personally consider this a moveable iconic landmark on the San Francisco Bay. Please enjoy this little video.

San Francisco Bay Sailing Photography By To buy fine art sailing prints or license digital images online visit the Gallery Database.
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Sunday, October 21, 2007


Buy Napa Valley Square Black and White Fine Art Prints or License Digital Images at
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Bolinas Lagoon as Art looking Very Western.
Black and White Landscape Photography Prints + Digital Images Available at All Rignts Reserved.

Bolinas Lagoon is a tidal estuary, approximately 3 square miles (8 square km) in area, in the West Marin area of Marin County in California in the United States. It is a part of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. The lagoon is a back bay of Bolinas Bay on the Pacific coast approximately 15 mi (25 km) northwest of San Francisco. The trough in which the lagoon sits was formed by the San Andreas Fault which runs directly through it. The lagoon is fed by several small streams and separated from the main bay by a small spit of land, known as Stinson Beach. The sand bar that encloses this lagoon is full of beachgoers and surfers on hot days, seeking to escape both heat and the urban Bay Area.

Bolinas Lagoon is on the list of wetlands of international importance as defined by the Ramsar Convention for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands.
The lagoon is considered to be among the possible landing spots of Francis Drake on the coast of North America in 1579.

The lagoon certainly mirrors the clouds at sunset like fire on a mirror. (See Photo Below.)
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Friday, October 19, 2007

October 19, 2007 - On this day in 1985, the first Blockbuster Video store opened in Dallas, Texas. In 1954, Herbert Tichy, Joseph Jöchler and Sherpa Pasang Dawa Lama made the first ascent of Cho Oyu, the world's 6th highest mountain. In 1943, researchers at Rutgers University isolated Streptomycin, the first antibiotic remedy for tuberculosis. In 1917, Love Field opened in Dallas, Texas. And in 1469, Ferdinand II of Aragon married Isabella of Castile, paving the way to the unification of Aragon and Castile into a single country, Spain. Happy Birthday Chris Kattan (1970), Trey Parker (1969), Jon Favreau (1966), Evander Holyfield (1962), John Lithgow (1945) and Robert Reed (1932 - 1992).

Landscape Photography by Buy prints online or commercial stockphotography and rights managed licensing
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I love the morning commute around here. Everytime I cross the Golden Gate Bridge I am always struck with Awe.

Buy Golden Bridge Photography Fine Art Prints, License Digital Imaages or Contact
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007

San Francisco Classic Fog, Golden Gate Bridge Poking up through a thick layer.

Corporte Collections and Fine Art Prints Available at
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, todays is a gift, that is why they call it present. Someone told me that today, I liked it.

Buy Sunrise and Sunsets over San Francisco Fine Art Photography Prints at
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I have always been a moon stalker. This past year my photography friend Fred Larson, photographer extraordanaire from the SF Chronicle, showed me how to finesse my shooting the moon skills. Having always enjoyed a good game, I found shooting the moon has many ins and outs. Sometimes the moon does not show up, sometimes it is not in the right place, sometimes if you get distracted by another photo op you miss the show.

With it being October and the night creeping into our day, I thought this a fine time to start debuting some night photography I have been working on.

San Francisco Night Photography by Rights Managed. Please contact us. Fine are prints and Corporate art collections available.

Buy Sunrise, Sunsets, Full Moon Rise and FullMoon Setting Fine Art Photography Prints at
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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Cruise with the
Join SF BAY ADVENTURES BLUE ANGELS CRUISE aboard the 90' Luxury Yacht "Empress" For a memorable afternoon on the
San Francisco Bay. Take the sights and enjoy a spectacular Blue Angels Air Show on this 4 hour cruise boarding in Sausalito.

Bring your friends, family and co-workers for a day on the Bay.

October 6

Boards at 1:00

Departs at 1:30 (sharp!)

Returns at 5:30

Cost is $175.00

Call SF Bay Adventurs DIRECTLY at 415-331-0444 for reservations. Group Rates Available. Bay Cruises

Fleet Week events
Events taking place through Tuesday for Fleet Week in San Francisco.


-- Noon to 3:30 p.m. - Blue Angels survey flights


-- 1 p.m. - Blue Angels practice

-- 3 p.m. - Blue Angels practice


-- Noon to 1 p.m. - Parade of U.S. and Canadian Navy ships.

-- 1 p.m.- Air show begins

-- 3 p.m. - Blue Angels perform


-- Noon to 4 p.m. -- Ship tours

-- 1 p.m. - Air show begins

-- 3 p.m. - Blue Angels perform

Monday and Tuesday

-- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Ship tours
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Bryce Canyon in an afternoon Storm.

Sorry about the week lag. We went off to Canyonlands Utah on a bit of an adventure.

Canyonlands Utah. Bryce Canyon. SF Bay
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